Friday, July 31, 2009

How a strange accident helped me make money

Did you notice the title for this tip? Of course, it's a headline. That's right and it uses a age-old classic format which still continues to blow my mind with it's power.

Just two little words: "How To"

Hear me out on this, I know it sounds too easy. The simple, little "How To" headline is still tops in many pro's books for simplicity and effectiveness. You really cannot go wrong with it. The "how to" headline is so versatile.

You can follow it with several benefits, a question, an offer, almost anything - and it works great! In fact, using the "how to" headline is one of the best places to start when writing headlines because it forces you to think of what your product/service actually does for the person.

Larry G Potter

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Using Email Marketing

Email marketing is important in the business you’re in. Marketing is based on communication, either with your exisiting costumers or prospective customers. Email marketing is an easy way to communicate.

Email marketing is one of the cheapest marketing tools you’ll find. We use AWeber, at only $19 a month.

With AWeber, you can reach your contacts easily and over and over again.

When you collect information about your current or potential customers it’s important that you collect their names during the sign-up process or following a purchase. AWeber will let you insert their names into a mass email. Your e-mail message will start out addressing each customer personally and will arrive to each recipient personalized with their own name.

Studies show that targeted email campaigns such as newsletters or sales announcements with a link to your website have approximately a 30 to 50% chance of obtaining a new customer, a sale or both.

Whatever your goal is with your information, it’s important to build a list of contacts and communicate with them by using email. Email marketing should bring your business up a notch, it’s inexpensive and it’s fairly easy, you won’t spend much time setting it up.

I also suggest you look into Audio Postcards with your emails. Here is a sample I just used very effectively. Enjoy.

Larry Potter

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Build Your Sales Argument In a Simple, Straight Line

By Nick Usborne

Once you have captured a reader's attention with your headline, don't assume that you will keep that attention after the first line, second line or third line.

Most readers won't read your entire web page. Most will bail well before the end.

How come? Because something you write will make them feel that you are not taking them directly towards finding what they want.

Here are 3 ways to ensure that you keep moving forward in a straight line …

Follow these three guidelines and you will significantly increase the number of people who read all the copy on your page and, of course, you will increase the number of people who take action at the end of that page.

#1. Be clear about your page's objective.

Before you start writing, determine the objective of the page. What is its purpose?

And if you're thinking, "Well, there are a few things I want to achieve with this page", be very careful. Because by writing to a few different objectives, you are giving your readers a few different reasons to bail on you.

You'll achieve far higher conversion rates by sticking to a single topic or message per page.

In fact, that's why landing pages were invented. Marketers understood that their general web pages were not converting very well. So they started creating stand-alone pages, or landing pages, which were created with a single objective in mind.

The need for landing pages tells us we are not very good at creating and writing regular site pages that are focused on a single, clear objective.

#2. Let your readers see the final outcome, from the beginning.

In other words, let your readers see where they are going.

For instance, if you want to sell me a vacation in Greenland, let me see the road ahead.

A typical way of doing this would be to write a headline that says something like, "5 reasons why Greenland has become the #1 travel destination for adventure lovers."

When you write a headline like that, the reader knows where you're taking them, and they know you are trying to sell them a vacation. They even know there are exactly five steps between the beginning and end.

But if the headline were to say, "Greenland grabs hearts of outdoor adventurers," then I don't really know where you're taking me. Is this a general description of the country? Is this about travel, or about conservation? Are you trying to inform me? Or sell a vacation package?

When you make the purpose and objective of the page clear from the beginning, the reader doesn't have to be distracted by these questions.

#3. Write in a straight line, without detours.

When writing editorial there are some excellent reasons for taking the scenic route.

You can add character and depth to a story with a paragraph that begins with the words, "Which reminds me … " Or, "By the way … "

These scenic diversions make editorial content all the more interesting.

But when you are writing to sell, you would do better to take the direct route.

When people come to the web to make a purchase, they are task oriented, impatient and anxious to find what they want and get the task completed quickly.

This means readers want their sales information given to them straight. No meandering. No side trips. Get to the meat of the message quickly, and tell them why your product and service will deliver exactly what they want and are looking for.

Conclusion …

The reason behind the need to build your sales argument in a straight line can be found in that last section.

Compared to print or other offline media, users of the web are impatient and generally have a specific goal in mind before they even arrive at your page. If they want to buy something, then they want to find what they want quickly.

No side shows. No diversions.

Keep your sales pages direct, straight and uncomplicated.

Get your FREE Web3.0 Internet Marketing Training Each Week RIGHT HERE

I'll see you there. Larry

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Twitter + Facebook = $$$

It's Larry here with another quick Absurd Marketing Training Tip

Lately, it seems that the world has been tweeting abouteverything under the sun and many people are not aware that
Twitter can actually help grow your list, build relationships and gain you more marketing exposure, which leads to more sales.

I've learned some pretty viral tricks on how to use Twitter to
build a fast, and targeted list and also how to link it (on autopilot)
to Facebook where you can build deeper relationships with any
target market and build your list for free.

First some perspective and context

Web2.0 Social networking tools have spun the whole game around.

To build your list before, you had to produce ads or content and
compel people to go to your lead capture page and then make
them offer they couldn't refuse, so they would choose to opt in
to your list...

Used to be easier. These days everyone is on a million lists
and they immediately go to the mindset of "do I really want
to hear this guy's pitch?" - and they may not opt in to your page.

They psychology is different with social networking.

With Twitter and Facebook, the name of the game is expanding
your friends and followers... so people don't even question (majority
of the time) whether to accept to be your 'friend on facebook' or to
follow you back on Twitter...


People are basically falling over themselves to follow you...

Which means you can grow a targeted base of people who are
reading your posts, and you can build this list very fast and very

The plan is to do a couple things:

1. Grow your list.
2. Build relationships by networking and sharing information
with this list...
3. Periodically drop in quotes, jokes, training tips and links
to your blog posts, or other relevant blog posts and YES, the
link to your newsletter or main lead capture page.

Strike a good balance though so you're not seen
as only a taker... it's all about giving... hunt down and share
good content your followers will enjoy... add some good quotes
that will help motivate people or put a smile on their face with
a funny quote or joke...

Later you can drop in an invitation to your content based
newsletter... and PRESTO! You're building a nice, responsive
list for free...

And you're building up your own brand... people are getting
to know more about you...

If you're posting interesting stuff, human nature takes over
and they'll click on your profile to learn more about you.

You also place your main link to your blog, or facebook page
or your main lead capture page so they can click and see what
you're up to...

It's easy, pretty fun and it's gone mainstream! You've got ESPN,
CNN, big and small celebrities and even major corporations
on twitter now... so it's an everyday piece of relationshipping
for millions of people and they're at your fingertips... POWERFUL.

Now, here's how to combine facebook with twitter.


You can build deeper relationships and share more content
(videos, pics, blog posts, notes etc) on Facebook than you can
on Twitter.

It's super fast and easier to build up the list
on Twitter... you simply look for people in your niche of
interests and "follow them" - and twitter etiquette almost
requires that they follow you back and engage.

So I use Twitter to build my list faster... and begin to
communicate there.

I then use a free service called
which allows me to set up an automated message I send
to all people who just started following me.

Thinking helps here. Most people are desparate and use
this cool tool to immediately start spamming offers...

WRONG. I'll delete people quick if they do that. How rude!

But what I set up is a message that says something like:

"Hey, thanks for the follow! Let's also connect on Facebook:
I'm at - I'll see ya there"

See... simple. Facebook is a place to network on a deeper level.

So every person who follows me back on twitter gets this
message... which causes many of them to also connect and
'friend' me on Facebook.

And I post deeper content and videos, notes and pics on
Facebook so it's a better place to network a bit deeper...

Twitter is like a mixer or a cocktail party
where you're just hanging out meeting people and seeing
who is interesting and sharing info...

Then you take friends you meet at the 'cocktail party' of twitter
and you get together and "do lunch" on facebook!

It's awesome, it's fun and it's really effective.

On facebook you can also search, find and request to
'friend' people to grow your database too.

And there you have it.

Free, viral, relevant list building and relationship
building using Twitter and Facebook.

From there you can invite people to your take a look
at your primary business, your newsletter, your blog
or training videos on youtube... the sky is the limit.
The power is in the list.

I recommend you get started on twitter and facebook
and set up your profile.

Then seek out 10 - 15 influential people in your niche
on twitter and facebook and begin to link to them...


Chances are they have large databases of targeted people

And when you have large lists of followers, that means
more new people are following you all the time...

It's the velocity effect. As your list grows, YOU are also
seen in more people's lists and more and more people click to
follow you...

So networking with influential people can put your pretty
face in front of LOTS of people fast... see how that works?

You later begin to "drill down" and click on people who are
following those people and add them... and keep drilling down...

Soon enough, your network is broad, and growing virally.

And with your automatic message being sent to them
you'll have plenty of people also following you on facebook.

I'd tweet often to invite people on twitter to also follow me
on Facebook... be proactive and build that list.

You then focus on sharing good information and networking
with people and you'll see your business list and newsletter
begin to grow too.

Go ahead and start this campaign today here by checking
out how I set up my profiles and you can start following
some folks on my list:

You'll be monetizing this list really soon.

If you don't have anything to monetize yet, then take
a look at my primary internet business and learn more
about working directly with me here:

Enjoy the tip and make it a great day!

Call me with any questions!

All the best,

Larry Potter