Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ingredients of Success

Here are a few items that will help you succeed.

A wake-up call. This is usually caused by an event that causes so much pain that you can't ignore your need for change -- but you can generate your own wake-up call with a little personal awareness. For some, it's unbelievable credit card debt that might even require debt settlement.

Gratitude. Being grateful is actually easier when the chips are down. When all of the things we take for granted are disappearing or gone, we give our attention to what is left. The trick is to maintain gratitude for what we have, while we have it. Don't wait until it's too late.

Purpose. It seems so fundamental... but how often do we set a goal, take on a task, or engage in an activity without knowing what we want to accomplish? Having purpose is one of the greatest keys to eliminating disappointment and increasing fulfillment in life.

A mentor. There is more at work here than good timing. First make up your mind that you are ready to learn and grow. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Never stop learning. Become a lifelong learner. Maintain a healthy sense of humility and fascination with the world. You never know where your next wonderful lesson may come from. Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune....

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