In a typical home based business, people are trying to build a 'downline' and they assume that they are building a business. A downline in a network marketing program is not a real business. You don't own anything. You don't own any assets. You don't own any significant equity in the company, it's plant, equipment or goodwill. Real
The company can take away your
Companies touted that you were building a legacy that could be "willed to your children". This has RARELY, if ever happened. If you are not constantly building and working your business… your
This is how you can own a real
The concept of You,Inc consists of you building and owning:
1. Your List/Social Networks - Distribution Channel. Asset. The List IS your
2. Building a Relationship with your list which gives it its value. Goodwill. Equity. Net Value.
You are now the creator and the OWNER of a valuable distribution channel.
For people who doubt that this simple concept works, it's how professional
This happens consistently online with
Let's Break Down The Formula:
1. Build Your List
2. Build Relationship with your list
Let's cover each step in a bit more detail:
1. Build A
Advertising and driving traffic online using Facebook, Twitter, Articles, Search Engine Marketing, Videos, and Pay Per Click ads, etc. You drive this traffic to lead capture pages that capture the prospect's contact information so you can follow up by using an email autoresponder service to send out a series of education and relationship building emails. You offer value and relevant information to build trust. People buy from sources they know, like and trust.
2. Relationship Building with the people on your
This creates the most important value in your
Giving them value FIRST without want. How can you serve others more? Reciprocity, leadership, trust, value, and equity are some of the qualities and tactics used in attraction marketing to endear you to your follower
3. Market/Monetize Your
Being able to build a
Leads are not cheap to buy or generate. The average lead costs about $5 each. It's critically important to generate them for free. You can use effective online advertising to generate them for $5 each. You can then use a
An email autoresponder series can teach and train and promote to your prospects on autopilot. It produces sales, profits and leverage. You can set up 12 months worth of messages and put your
This concept allows you to:
Systematize List Building, systematize (not automate)relationship building, systematize the monetization into multiple sources of sales, and it allows for instant downline building.
Leaders who are skilled in this tactic are the ones who can join a company one day, recommend it to their
You now have ultimate security. The only way to lose this type of
You now own a distribution channel. You have a relationship with that channel. You monetize that channel.
This provides the ultimate in:
The details behind these steps are found in a variety of courses and ebooks, audios and videos available online. The actual step by step action items you can take to build this are easily accessible. This is a simple to understand and follow blueprint that allows you to tap into and harness theinternet to build a real
Own a real asset and a real
That is what today's online marketing world is all about. If you feel you received value from this post please feel free to click on the button below and share this with others too. Thanks!
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