What is it? That's where you ask a series of questions, the obvious answers to which inevitably lead your prospect to the desired conclusion.
Here's an example:
If you really think drug companies are in business to make you healthy, just ask yourself, "If prescription drugs make people healthier...
"Why is there more heart disease in America than there was 10 years ago?
"Why are cancer rates skyrocketing?
"Why is there an epidemic of diabetes, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases today?"
Now, let me ask you: If you were the chairman of a big drug company... if your only responsibility was to make your shareholders richer... wouldn't you want MORE people to get sick - not less?
... Or when I want to quickly answer a question my reader is probably asking himself about my proposition:
Why don't doctors, surgeons, hospitals, drug companies - or anyone else in the mainstream medical industry - tell you this?
Why wouldn't they want you to know about natural supplements that are clinically proven to work better than drugs - and without the high cost and miserable side effects?
Simple: Because when you prevent disease or heal yourself naturally, they don't make a red cent!
Each question hooks the reader into reading what follows, moving them down the copy and to the inevitable conclusion that buying this product is the only logical thing to do.
Web 3.0 is coming June 15, 2009
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