"A-level" copywriter and Internet-marketing millionaire Joe Vitale grew up in a great family. His dad made a good income.
But when it came time for Joe to venture out on his own, it didn't go so well. He wound up on the streets of Dallas, Texas, living life as a bum.
In the end, Joe pulled through and started seeing some success.
Then something terrible happened. His business stopped growing, and his income stalled out.
It drove him crazy. No matter what he did, he kept on earning the same income his dad did. He couldn't get past it.
Eventually, he realized that he felt guilty about earning more than his dad. Once he recognized this, he reset his internal "success thermostat."
The rest is history.
If you want to achieve your goals – easier and faster – then, like Joe, you've got to reset your mental "success thermostat."
Here's what I mean …
Picture an air conditioner thermostat that's set at 75 degrees. When the room temperature reaches 76 or higher, the thermostat kicks on the AC – cooling the room back down to 75.
Inside your mind, you've got a similar thermostat. Because of preconceived notions or past experiences, it may be set for a certain level of success. And when that level is exceeded, your mental thermostat finds a way to bring you back to the original setting.
Ultimately, your success thermostat is responsible for how much success you can handle in any given area of your life.
For example, have you ever lost weight, only to gain it all back?
That was your success thermostat at work. It was set at a certain weight. When you lost the weight through diet and/or exercise, it registered the loss and did what was necessary to kick things back up to its original setting. In this case, the thermostat is the beliefs and self-image that made you overweight to begin with.
Or, even as an entrepreneur, have you ever felt like you can't break through to the next level of success … whether it's increasing your fee from … or even simply taking the first step and contacting a potential client? More than likely, it's your internal thermostat holding you back. As soon as it senses that you're nearing the breakthrough point, it pulls you back.
This may come in the form of fear or anxiety, along with thoughts of self-doubt.
In order to set your thermostat to handle high levels of success, you've got to start on the inside. You've got to explore the beliefs and emotions you have as they relate to whatever goal you're trying to achieve.
Once you've identified how and why your thermostat was set to where it is now, then you can begin the work to reset it. And when you do, you can expect greater success faster – and with less effort.
Here's a quick rundown on how to do that:
Step 1: Identify your underlying beliefs.
Let's say your goal is to double your income. But no matter how hard you've tried, you can't seem to break through. Take a moment and think about what you believe about money. For example, do you believe things like, "Money is hard to come by," or even "Money is evil"? If so, by trying to earn more, you're working against yourself, because of your belief system around money.
Make a list of those beliefs that you feel are creating an obstacle to your goal.
Step 2: Identify the emotions attached to your beliefs.
If your beliefs aren't in line with what you want to accomplish, then chances are your emotions aren't either.
As you review the beliefs you identified in Step 1, notice how you feel about them. Does the thought of having a lot of money make you feel guilty? Do you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable asking people for money when you're owed?
Make a list of all the emotions that are working against you.
Step 3: Change those beliefs and emotions you've identified.
You want to change the beliefs and emotions you identified in Steps 1 and 2 by replacing them with empowering beliefs that support the achievement of your goal. In a sense, this is how you "reset" your internal success thermostat. You're programming your mind with new beliefs that allow you to handle more success, more responsibility, more abundance, and, ultimately, more of the things you want.
To let go of your old beliefs and emotions, you'll have to convince yourself of their faulty logic. Realize that they don't serve you. Then replace them with what you want via affirmations or other positive change methods like visualization.
This process will also help you change your self-image from that of who you are now, to the person you want to become. This is important. Because once you've cemented the belief that you are the successful person that you want to be, success will come almost automatically. You'll find yourself doing the things that naturally bring your goals and dreams toward you.
These three steps will help you reset your success thermostat. And when you do, expect great things to start happening!
Larry Potter
Turn Up Your Thermostat Now
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