What Inspires YOU to Be a Better You?
By Bob Cox
Michael Masterson has mentioned that the good and decent acts of friends, family, associates, and strangers have inspired him to make it one of his New Year's resolutions - every year - to become a better person.
How about you? What inspires you to be a better person?
I consider myself to be still "under construction." As such, I use goal setting as a way to design my life to match my hopes and ambitions.
When I turned age 50 nearly 10 years ago, I honestly evaluated who I was and who I wanted to be. One of the things I recognized was that whenever I used a "my way or the highway" approach, I inevitably limited my success and slowed down the achievement of my goals.
I consciously began to do what Michael does at the beginning of every year. I set an annual goal of taking action to be a better person. And I invite you to make this one of your goals, too... starting today!
Finding your own faults requires a certain amount of objectivity and candor... and it can be a bit painful emotionally. The second step - figuring out how to overcome those faults - can be tough. And the most difficult part of the process is to take action - to make these changes day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year... until you become the person you envisioned.
Easy? No. But as I can tell you from my personal experience, it is well worth the effort.
[Ed. Note: Bob Cox teaches goal setting 365 days a year with ETR's Total Success Achievement Program. Bob also teaches dozens of success skills that he discovered while working with four businessmen who went on to become billionaires.
Find out how to get your hands on his "billionaire secrets" right here.]
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