Are You Positioned For What Forrester Research thinks…
It's getting more 'mainstream' every day. BIG groups are
barely starting to see what you have at your fingertips…
Forrester Research - Doesn't get any more 'Blue Ocean Mainstream' than that…
“Socially connected consumers will strengthen communities and
shift power from brands and CRM systems; eventually this will
result in empowered communities defining the next generation of products” –
Forrester Research
It's not about just building a cold list of prospects and
bombing them with hyped up offer after hyped up offer and
spamming them to death.
It's not about using twitter as a micro spam blaster and
gaming the system to get 4,253,649 cold, clueless strangers
to "follow" you before dinner tomorrow.
It's not about using TweetDeck and TweetLater to meet people
and before saying hi offering them the magic potion and secret
spell to making 23 gazzillion dollars on twitter (like you are)
by next week by clicking 'here' - it's not about any of that.
It's about Seth Godin. Tribes. His new book. If you don't get to
Barnes & Noble tonight and get that little piece of diamond… you
can't be that serious about any of this…
It's about Building Tribes of Followers to effect change and build
movements. It's about causing a ruckus and nailing your 'Ninety Five
Theses' to the door of your status quo like Luther did to his…
It's about Leverage and Connecting. It's about leadership.
And it's about time.
Are you positioned?
It's about Web 3.0 - Social Profit Streams and you should be learning about this now.
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