I actually find it easier to call it an information website, containing content related to a particular topic.
For instance, if you’re into cooking vegetarian food, a Google search will find you some information websites that include hundreds of recipes and cooking tips.
The website topic might be green tea, kids’ parties, furniture restoration, extreme sports, growing organic vegetables, scrapbooking, digital photography, knitting, traveling in Africa, dog training, and so on.
In fact, there is an almost limitless supply of topics about which websites can be written.
How do I develop the content?
As an example, let’s say you have a real interest in doing yoga. And let’s say you do a little research online to try to find some in-depth information on this topic.
Undoubtedly, you’ll find some sites that talk about yoga. But maybe you’ll see that, although plenty of sites have some information on this topic, no one website stands out as an outstanding source of quality information.
So, you start planning, creating, and writing a website of your own.
You break the general topic down into specific areas, like yoga for men and yoga for women. You look at yoga for people who are pregnant, yoga for athletes, and yoga for children. You look at yoga mats, training DVDs, books, and yoga clothing.
Once you start digging, you find you can easily put together dozens – and then hundreds – of pages on this subject.
You’ll then add a forum or blog to your website, so that your readers can submit their own content, which grows your website even faster, without much more effort from you.
With a growing body of content, you’ll not only be loved by your readers, but you’ll also be noticed by Google and the other major search engines. The number of visitors to your website will grow and grow … and before you know it, you’ll be receiving over a thousand visitors a day.
Then, with tens of thousands of people coming to your site each month, you’ll be in a strong position to start making some money.
How will I start making money?
There are many ways, but let’s look at two of the top ones.
To start, you can include contextual ads on your content pages. Whenever someone clicks on the ad, you’ll get paid by the ad service, the most popular of which is Google AdSense.
You can also look for companies which sell yoga products and see if they have an affiliate program.
Keep in mind, this is passive income. Once you place the ads or links on your pages, there’s nothing further to do. You don’t have to deal with customers, process payments, or ship products.
You simply keep creating quality content, include those ads and affiliate links on each page, and then watch the money flow in every month.
Your job is simply to create more and more quality pages. Fill the information gaps and genuinely help your readers.
The larger your website grows, the more visitors you’ll receive … and the more money you can make.
It’s really that simple.
Why build a money-making website?
My short answer to that question is: why not?
A few hours a week ... writing about something you love ... passive income.
Seems like a no-brainer to me. But here are six more specific reasons:
Reason #1: Every page you write can make you money indefinitely.
When you write an information website that makes money through contextual advertising and affiliate commissions, each page you write will continue to generate revenue for many years to come.
Reason #2: It’s an online business with almost all profit.
A carefully constructed and well-written content site will attract free, organic traffic through the major search engines. You won’t pay a penny.
Other than your time and the tiny hosting costs for your website, every penny you make is profit. It’s yours.
Reason #3: There’s no selling.
When you write an information website, you don’t do any selling. You don’t write pages that are trying to sell a product or service. Basically, you’re writing editorial. You’re sharing useful information. And it’s about a subject you enjoy!
Reason #4: You set your own schedule.
You don’t have any bosses or clients or customers writing to you or calling you. You can write your website at your own pace. There are no rules, no set schedules.
If you need to take a break for a few days or weeks, that’s fine. Your site will continue to make money even while you take time off.
Certainly, you’ll want to try to generate new pages for your site at a decent pace. After all, the faster you build your website, the sooner you’ll start making a decent amount of money.
Reason #5: Enormous freedom.
You’re never tied to your desk. You never HAVE to be there in order to deal with customer service issues, suppliers, or anything else.
Remember, this is a truly passive way to make money.
Reason #6: You’re building a long-term asset.
In the world of investment, one often invests either to generate a regular income or to achieve capital growth.
With an information website, you can achieve both.
After a few months, your website will start to generate income. But at the same time, you’re building a long-term capital asset. And the more consistently you add new pages to your website, the better you’ll do.
Almost every page you add will make you some money. And they’ll continue to make money for the foreseeable future.
How much money can I make?
There’s really no typical or standard answer to this question.
Obviously, the more popular your site, the more money you can make. Plus, the more time you spend at it, the faster your income will grow.
For example, Tomaz Mencinger, who focuses on his websites full-time (for him, that means three to four hours a day), makes about $12,000 a month from his one site and $3,000 a month from another site.
Nick Usborne, the author of How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites, makes around $4,000 a month from his two sites. And he spends only a few hours a week working on them.
So, let’s say you spend the same time Nick does, and your website ends up making on average $4,000 a month or more. That’s about $50,000 a year.
Not bad for what is essentially a hobby website you’ve been creating in your spare time!
After a few more years, you might decide to stick with the monthly income, or you might decide the sell the site.
Why would I ever sell a website that makes me $50,000 a year?
A website like this will typically sell for two or three times its annual revenues. With an annual income of $50,000, that translates to a sale price of $100,000 or $150,000.
And maybe over the years you’ve built three of these sites. You’ll be in a position to sell just one of them and spend the money any way you want.
Invest it, pay off your house, take your dream vacation … whatever you want.
Remember, you’ll still have the other two sites to generate over $10,000 in income for you each month.
Do you have to be a “computer geek” to do this?
The answer is a resounding “no.” It’s never been easier to build and publish a professional-looking website.
The beauty of creating a content-rich information site is that anyone who can use a word-processing program like Microsoft Word can build a website.
That said, if you want to create something more sophisticated, you can. If you want to learn some coding skills, go for it. But you don’t need to.
What’s the catch? Why isn’t everyone doing this?
There is no catch.
And the reason why everyone doesn’t do this is because they’re impatient. They don’t have the patience to build something of real value.
Too many people are looking to get rich quick. They want to see a return NOW.
But if you have the will and self-discipline to work hard and keep working, this model will pay you back in spades.
And will continue to do so long into the future.
Once you get your first website up and running smoothly – it’s easy to start another … and another … and another. If you spend only four or five hours a week on them, you can easily receive checks totaling a few thousand dollars a month.
To your success,
Larry Potter
A Ticket To Wealth
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