Personalization is where you take a prospect’s name or some other piece of information you know about them and use it in a mass-marketing promotion.
Personalization — when used wisely — does in fact increase conversion.
Why? The most important person in the entire known universe is YOU! Any communication that appears uniquely relevant to that person is bound to get your attention.
Your name is the sweetest and most important word in existence — ten times more powerful in marketing than YOU or FREE combined …
Have you ever had an experience like this?
You’re sitting alone in a noisy restaurant, waiting for someone to arrive …
All around you, many different conversations swirl together into a cacophony of unintelligible words.
You muse for a moment about what it must have been like to witness the confusion of Babel before receding into the inner world of your own thoughts …
And then suddenly, you hear your name slicing through the thick fog of your divided attention … like a switch-blade through butter.
A personalized marketing message has this same power to reach out through the competitive clutter of competing marketing messages, and grab your attention.
It is a conditioned, spontaneous response.
Your brain stem is on a constant vigil for sensory inputs that it deems potentially relevant to your survival as an organism.
You are therefore, momentarily defenseless against such efforts to seize your attention.
Soon however, you become aware that you are on the receiving end of a personalized marketing message. You realize that some marketer has merged your name or some other piece of pertinent personal data into a sales message to create this effect.
Even so, chances are, you will be willing to suspend your disbelief and enter into a mental dialog with the person sending the message. It is pure fantasy, and you know it.
Of course, any fantasy with YOU as the central character is practically irresistible. You just have to know what it is about.
So you keep reading. And of course, THAT is the point.
Like any marketing tactic, the element of surprise magnifies the effect of personalization exponentially.
If you were to sit down and list the prime human desires, the list is actually pretty short.
Food and water
Sexual gratification
The well-being of our children
A faith to believe in
Physical comfort
Health, and freedom from pain
Money, and what it can buy
A sense of importance
Most of these things are available in plentiful supply, except the last.
All of us should be acutely aware of the magic contained in the personal data of our prospects.
When you acknowledge a person’s individuality — even in the make believe world of mass marketing — you are feeding that person’s need for a feeling of self-importance. None of us can ever get enough.
Larry Potter
Use this info with these tips
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