I have a powerful lesson for you today that most people in network marketing ARE NOT talking about.
Why is that? I really don't know. If more people were teaching this...there would be more REAL business building going on in our industry. But alas, it means there's more for us!
So what is it I'm talking about you say? I'm talking about'Developing Your Marketing Funnel'. I'm talking about building YOU INC.
Most network marketers have no concept of this 'You Inc.' idea. They are trained to act as promoters. They simply promote a company and promote the company's product and they get commissions.
In essence, they are trained to be commission based sales people. That's not how I operate around here. Around these parts, there is training on how to be REAL entrepreneurs.
Real entrepreneurs build MARKETING FUNNELS. Real entrepreneurs build their own LISTS of prospects, customers, and partners who they can market to for the rest of time.
But not only can you cultivate an asset that pays you for the rest of your life when you are building your OWN List...but you can Build and Deepen your relationship with all those people, which is the essence of successful network marketing, on a scale that begs belief to what most people in our industry are used to.
Take me for example. Right now, at this very moment, I am building my relationship with hundreds of people by sending out this one email and posting to this blog.
That's pretty cool huh! While most people are out there chasing around their neighbors, aunts, and uncles...I'm sending out an email and communicating with hundreds in any fashion I would like to.
The possibilities are literally ENDLESS once you know how to use REAL business building principles to grow your organization on the internet.
You see, once you start generating leads who are going into YOUR personal marketing funnel...you can offer a variety of products and services to those people and spin income streams off your list in many ways.
This is one of the things I learned that truly started to transform my profitability online. When I got out of the 'box' and started seeing myself as my business...my business started to change. I started applying real internet marketing principles to my network marketing business...and overnight more and more success just started to creep in. The bigger my list got, the more power I had. The more power I had...the bigger I could grow my list. And as of today, I have now gotten my lead generation to do between 50 - 100 brand new opt ins every day.
Imagine if you had 100 new leads to build relationships with every day. You think your business would be growing bigger!? The point is, these are principles that almost no one is teaching network marketers at large...and that has to STOP.
It's time you learn how to be at the cutting edge of technology and use these strategies to build a real business. You can learn exactly how I'm doing what I'm doing right here.
You can get a step by step outline for how to start using technology to profit to no end in your business.
All I can say is take advantage of this offer today. The people who learn these 'specific' skills on how to use technology to grow any business will be the ones who create true wealth in our industry as we head into this new age.
Here's to your success! It's time to make it happen.
Yours In Knowledge,
Larry Potter
P.S. If you want to learn how to start attracting MORE leads, prospects, high quality distributors, and more money in your bank account it's imperative you check out this site now.
And when you have time, check out our latest short video at:
Thanks again...
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