Have you ever sent out an "advertisement," and much to your
disappointment, received much less of a response than you
had hoped for?
Perhaps a little crash course in marketing psychology is
in order.
You see, there are several mistakes most people make due
to misunderstanding psychology, which result in their
ads simply not working.
What is "marketing," anyway? Here's a neat way to think
about it...
Marketing is actually programming peoples' brains with
your words!
That might sound a little bit harsh, but here's what I
When you write an advertisement, a web page, an email,
or a sales letter, the real reason you are choosing the
words you're choosing is because you want to influence
your reader's state of mind.
Specifically, most people want to write something that
will put the reader's mind into a state which is "ready
to buy" -- or "ready to sign up."
Now, the key idea here is that what you are trying to
do is use your words to get your readers to think
If your marketing isn't achieving your desired result,
this can literally only mean one thing:
Your words are not causing your readers' minds to be
in the state that you thought they would!
But how could that be?
You wrote out an advertisement so carefully. It even
looks like all those other ones out there.
Doesn't matter. It didn't work.
So, how do you get your readers to think what you want,
Understanding psychology is the key. Because, if you
know how brains work, then you'll really know what to
write to influence them the way you want.
Of course, the field of psychology is huge -- you can
get a Ph.D. in it. But, here are 3 psychological tips
you can use to your advantage.
Be warned: Some of them may seem counterintuitive to
you. But, remember! Maybe you need to try something
After all, the techniques you thought were intuitive
haven't worked as well as you wanted, right?
If they had, then you probably wouldn't have read
this article!
TIP #1: At all costs, avoid looking like an
In this day and age, when people see something that
they know is an advertisement, they immediately
tune it out.
For proof of this, just look at your own behavior.
Would you spend your free time reading ads?
Probably not.
An advertisement is usually classified as something
whose sole purpose is to sell something.
So, the best way to avoid looking like this is to
actually give people some real information, for
This way, what you wrote won't seem like an ad,
because it actually isn't one!
People will read it for your interesting info, and
then when it's time to talk about what you're
selling, they'll really listen, too.
Try it.
TIP #2: At all costs, avoid looking like everyone
Another thing which people completely tune out is
things which look just like everyone else's.
It's a shame -- we see so many people nowadays
advertising their sites in the *exact* same way.
$$$$$$ MAKE $10,000 FAST!
Nobody pays attention to things like this anymore.
Make sure you don't look like anyone else, and
you'll stand out.
You HAVE to stand out in order to succeed in
Combine this with Tip #1 to come up with headlines
and email subject lines which really communicate
something interesting and meaningful.
Remember, you can bait people in to read your ad
with headlines and subject lines which convey
something people actually want to read, and then
later you can still sell them your product or
TIP #3: At all costs, avoid making huge promises
you know you can't keep. Don't hype.
So many people nowadays make huge claims in their
marketing; like if you sign up for a certain site it
will make you $10,000 per week while you sleep.
This sort of thing is obviously not true, and everyone
knows it, even you!
So, when you do things like this it sets off major
red flags in peoples' heads, and they stop reading.
Another big one is promising people that a certain
website is the "best" or the "biggest," etc., when
it really isn't.
Of course, maybe I could send out an email about
Google saying that it's the "most powerful site" out
there, but people are tired of hearing all this
hype about every little site.
You might even believe that you just found the "best
site to come out in the last 10 years," but so many
people *have* worn out this promise that it holds
no weight anymore (see Tip #2).
This one can seem counterintuitive, since you might
think that you *should* say great things about your
website or product to get people to want it.
The problem is, this just isn't how psychology works.
Instead, you must give people real information so
that they actually pay attention, look different from
everyone else, and be draw people in more subtly.
Let your actual website or product make them say
And if you're afraid that your actual website or
product won't make them say "wow," so you need to hype
it up in your marketing, then maybe you need to
re-evaluate, and figure out how to make whatever you're
selling powerful enough.
Until Next Time,
Larry Potter
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