Thursday, April 22, 2010

Winners vs Losers

What's the big difference between them?

Answer: Winners spend time THINKING!

Yep, you read that right. It's that simple.

Most Internet marketers make a very big error. They wrongly assume that "knowing more" is more better than "thinking better."

So they spend a large amount of their time learning more instead of trying to think more.

Which do you do? Are you spending more time thinking or learning?

I'd hazzad a guess that you have spent most of your time grasping many facts pertaining to online marketing and enlarging

your home business.

I'm not say that is wrong, but unless you did some laser thinking first, chances are high that you've discovered many things

that aren't really needed for expanding your business immediately.

This is the difference between "just-in-time" learning and what is called "just-in-case" learning.

Right now, I want you to consider your business for 40 minutes -- and I guarantee you... it will require effort.

Here is the approach to take:

1. Spend 10 minutes finding all the barriers presently blocking your business goals. What is one that will payoff the biggest

if you get rid of it?

2. Then take 10 minutes trying to discover the main reason for that obstacle. You can accomplish that by thinking about the

roadblock and asking yourself, "Why do I have this roadblock?" When you get an answer to that problem, ask yourself WHY.

Wash, rinse and repeat this method until you've gotten down to the main reason for the roadblock.

3. Next, use 10 minutes for coming up with as many solutions as you can for handling the root cause of the problem. Choose

the alternative you believe is the best solution.

4. Now, during the last ten minutes, consider all the actions you'd need to take to implement the solution you just came up


Then... get to work on it!

In other words, do something immediately.

You want minimize the time from the formation of your plan to its end.

Winners do this. They first spend time going through new approaches to their roadblocks. And when a new approach works, they

not only get an immediate results, they also have new ideas they can use (and often sell) repeatly.

Do this today, then let us know how it worked for you.

Larry G Potter

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