Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today we make money with an absurd marketing tip

But how do you get money online anyway?

The process to follow is 3 very simple steps:

1. advertise
2. sell an inexpensive product/information
3. sell a more expensive product to those buyers

This is called a "Funded Proposal".

You see, it doesn't make sense to try to sell
a $500 - $1000 product or opportunity to
a prospect that doesn't "know, like or trust"
you. But, pretty much anyone will buy a
product or information for a measly $5, $10,
or $ matter who it's from.

If you want to be successful in Network
Marketing, Internet Marketing or Affiliate
Marketing, or really ANY business out there,
you should realize that the easiest prospects to
sell to are your existing customers....people that
have previously purchased from you.

Opportunity Buyers.

Go ahead and keep cold-calling leads if you
want to. But, I'm going to spend my days
following up on those that already purchased
something from me and I'm going to sell them
another product, service or opportunity.

That's how I make money - and that's how
you should too.

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