Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just Do It!

There has never been a better time to start a business — not necessarily a brand-new business - than now in this economy. You could even start something new with an online business that you already have in operation. Perhaps you could add video to your website with a free program like Jing or Photo Story 3 for Windows which is a free download, or create a series of follow-up emails with a service like Aweber or start placing ads on Backpage, Epage and Adlandpro.

For the true entrepreneur, now is always the time to make improvements to your business. You want to stop doing things that are not working and do more of what’s working for you.

So, how do you know what to focus on first when you have a long list of things you want to try?

That's not too hard, just put your efforts into the one that will generate the most profits that most closely matches the core purpose of your online (or off) business or your stated conversion goal.

Suppose your main focus is to build a subscriber list that you want to market products or services to. You need to take a little time and decide what would give you the best return on your investment of money and time. Maybe you need to write more articles, or consider paid search advertising or test your landing pages for an online business.

I've found that the best combination is writing articles that will drive free (organic) search engine traffic to one of your simple landing pages and paid search advertising.

Your landing page should offer a free report on your topic of choice. Those who are interested in that topic will sign up. You deliver the report and follow up with ongoing e-mails that deliver more information. That's where services like Aweber come in handy and allow you to automate the process. Always stay on topic though and don't make each mail an ad, provide useful information along the way.

For the paid advertising, you could open a Google AdWords account and create a single ad.

Surely, you can give up one hour of watching television or surfing the Web to work on your Internet business. Did you know that in a recent report it was determined that the average American spends almost 1750 hours watching television in a one year. That comes out to 145 hours per month, which is more than six 24-hour days in front of the TV every month. If you are serious about having a successful business you can give up one of those five hours a day spent on television or surfing.

We all have the same 24 hours each day, but how we spend them is very important. Stop right now and figure out how to use some of those hours to make progress on your online business goals. There’s no excuse not to. Do it now.

Larry G Potter

Larry G. Potter has been investing in real estate since 1984 and is currently helping homeowners facing foreclosure to obtain loan mods (loan modifications) or mortgage principal reduction and thru their debt settlement program, to reduce consumer debt that thousands of people are drowning under.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ways to make money with an affiliate program.

With affiliate programs, you earn commissions by referring customers to a website, where they purchase your products. You will earn percentage commission for every purchase.

1. Use a blog or create a new one for free at sites such as, and post your review of products, including your affiliate link. Then "ping" your blog at a site such as, so it gets picked up quickly by search engines.

2. If you have an email list of newsletter subscribers or others who have opted in to receive email offers from you, send them an email telling them about your site, and use some text from your homepage in your email. Include your affiliate link at the end of the email.

3. Write a review of some products, letting people know how good it is. Include your affiliate link at the end of the review. Post your review to multiple free sites using

4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising: Using a PPC account from Google Adwords, Overture, or others, you can easily generate income with affiliate programs. You can either send people directly to sites using your affiliate link in your PPC ads, or you can create your own website in which you have a review of our product, followed by your affiliate tracking link. You can quickly create free sites at Yola

5. Every few weeks post a press release at, in which you include your favorable review of your product, along with your affiliate link.

6. Join popular marketing forums such as, and make frequent contributions to popular threads there. Be sure to go into your forum profile and edit your "signature". Make a signature that includes your affiliate link, or a link to your own "review" website of your product. That way, every time you make a post, anyone who sees it will see your signature and potentially click on your affiliate link.

From our experience, you will get the best results from writing your own product reviews, even if it's short. You don't have to be a good writer. Just write what you really think about the product. When you publish your product review, use your general affiliate link to send users to your website.

You will have much better conversion if you'll put your visitors into pre-sold mood before sending them to your site. This means that you build interest in the product and the visitor has decided to potentially buy it after he reads your product review.

Choose from various types of product descriptions, experiment with short or long, try to find perfect combination with banners.

Try to think like your visitor, when she comes to your page with review or affiliate links, you should draw her attention, build curiosity or feeling that she might need this kind of solution.

You can xperiment with reviews, text links, or different banners. Keep those that bring good results, and change the others. Sometimes only changing a few words or color of link can mean difference.

Using these methods, you can quickly begin to earn money online now.

Larry Potter

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Use Hubze To Help Expand Your Network and Increase Your Cash Flow.

Hubze is a combination of "hub", which is what we will be doing with ALL of your social sites and many other features and the word "zenith" which means the highest point or the pinnacle.

We believe that this New Service Platform We are creating and what it is going to do to help people.. will really blow peoples minds to say the least.

Need More Info. Here Is a webinar that was recorded on March 9th 2010. **Please note that Hubze aka Moneza is in Beta testing. During this testing period changes will occur to Help improve service. Hubze will be rolling out new features in "Phase's". There are a total of 4 phases. As of March 18th, we are in phase 1. Get You No Cost hubzeCard Now

MeCard Overview from Mike Healy on Vimeo.

Want a hubzeCard? Tap Here Now

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today we make money with an absurd marketing tip

But how do you get money online anyway?

The process to follow is 3 very simple steps:

1. advertise
2. sell an inexpensive product/information
3. sell a more expensive product to those buyers

This is called a "Funded Proposal".

You see, it doesn't make sense to try to sell
a $500 - $1000 product or opportunity to
a prospect that doesn't "know, like or trust"
you. But, pretty much anyone will buy a
product or information for a measly $5, $10,
or $ matter who it's from.

If you want to be successful in Network
Marketing, Internet Marketing or Affiliate
Marketing, or really ANY business out there,
you should realize that the easiest prospects to
sell to are your existing customers....people that
have previously purchased from you.

Opportunity Buyers.

Go ahead and keep cold-calling leads if you
want to. But, I'm going to spend my days
following up on those that already purchased
something from me and I'm going to sell them
another product, service or opportunity.

That's how I make money - and that's how
you should too.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Emergence Of M- Commerce And How It Affects Your Business.

With The Boundless Features That The Mobile Computing Has To
Offers, It Can Allow Your Business To Reach To Every Corner Of The
World With Speed And Ease. Ever Since Its Introduction To The
Global Market Scene, It Has Become A Companion To Almost
Everyone At Any Age In Today's Society. It Has Also Successfully
Penetrated Is The Field Of Business.

It Is Rapidly Changing The Face Of Traditional Advertising. Before,
Conventional Businesses Had To Rely To Traditional Advertisements
In Order To Market Their Products And Services. While These
Methods May Still Be Effective In Reaching A Handful Of Consumers,
They Also Have Limiting Boundaries.

With Traditional Advertising Resources, Businesses May Be
Effective, But Not Efficient Enough To Actually Boost Their Income
And Ensure The Growth Of Their Company.

Now Let's Talk A Little Bit About Traditional Means Of Communication
Verses New And Innovative Mobile Communications.

As A Business Owner I Am Sure That You Are Aware That
Communication Is Very Crucial When Dealing With Business
Partners, Employees And Customers.

Traditional Methods Of Communication Are Not Always Reliable
Which Can Become A Problem For Any Business. With Frequent
Interruptions And Outages That Come Along With Land-Line
Communication It Can Easily Block The Flow Of Efficiency In Your
Business For Hours Or Even Days. You Have To Deal With The
Possible Loss Of Income, Customers And The Uncertainty Of
Successful Transactions When You Are Only Using Traditional
Communication Methods.

However, With Mobile Computing Devices And A Wireless
Connection, The Traditional Way Of Running A Business Is Intensely
Redefined And Restructured.

As Companies Enter The World Of M- Commerce Or What Is More
Popularly Known As Mobile Commerce, They Now Have An
Innovative Way Of Expanding Their Business For Greater Outcome.
Without Confronting The Issues That Arise From
More Traditional Communication.

M-Commerce Is A Requirement For Any Business That Wants To Stay
At The Top Of The Market Place!

With Constant Access To Online Information And Data, Products Can
Be Bought And Sold Over The Internet Faster Than Ever Before.
Which Means The Possibility To Profit Is Even Greater. All Without
The Hassle Of Establishing A Traditional Business.

Another Benefit Of Mobile Computing Is The Presence Of
Software That Allows You To Track Your Business Transactions And
Records With Ease And Efficiency. Your Business Is Literally At Your
Fingertips At Anytime Or Anyplace!

You Can Quickly Access Transactions, Track Down Shipments,
Communicate With Employees And Customers Anywhere On The
Planet In An Instant If Need Be. Allowing You To Keep A Close And
Watchful Eye On Your Business From Anywhere You Happen To Be.

With Wireless Devices You Can Quickly Build Your Own Online
Presence And Reach A Greater Number Of People In A Much Faster
Way. This Aspect Gives You The Opportunity To Take Your Business
Into The Global Market And Serve A Diverse Culture Of Consumers.

M-Commerce Has Become A Stepping Stone For Every
Entrepreneur In The Market Place. With The Abundant And
Practically Limitless Features That Mobile Computing Can Offer Your
Business It Has Become An Open Playing Field For Anyone To
Achieve Success No Matter What Size Company You Own.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ingredients of Success

Here are a few items that will help you succeed.

A wake-up call. This is usually caused by an event that causes so much pain that you can't ignore your need for change -- but you can generate your own wake-up call with a little personal awareness. For some, it's unbelievable credit card debt that might even require debt settlement.

Gratitude. Being grateful is actually easier when the chips are down. When all of the things we take for granted are disappearing or gone, we give our attention to what is left. The trick is to maintain gratitude for what we have, while we have it. Don't wait until it's too late.

Purpose. It seems so fundamental... but how often do we set a goal, take on a task, or engage in an activity without knowing what we want to accomplish? Having purpose is one of the greatest keys to eliminating disappointment and increasing fulfillment in life.

A mentor. There is more at work here than good timing. First make up your mind that you are ready to learn and grow. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Never stop learning. Become a lifelong learner. Maintain a healthy sense of humility and fascination with the world. You never know where your next wonderful lesson may come from. Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune....

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Don't Make It All About You...

If you want to have more social media followers, provide useful and interesting content.

You earn more trust when you show people that you're not in social media just for your site.

For every one link to your site, tweet or send to Facebook, post nine other links pointing to content on other sites. By doing this I've gained more followers, which means I have more eyes watching when I actually promote something.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010



-Isn't money blocking out the quality of food you eat?
-Isn't money blocking out the type of car you really want to drive?
-Isn't money blocking out the neighborhood in which you want to live?
-Isn't money blocking out the quality of education you want to give your kids?
-Isn't money blocking out helping those whom you love the most?
-Isn't money blocking out EVERYTHING THAT IS VITAL IN YOUR LIFE?

No one can deny how vital money is in their everyday life, and to
have a shortage of it day in and day out gets old...

As a matter of fact it's downright depressing...

What if you could create wealth by supplying MONEY to people...?

Imagine having a solution that the "Average Joe" like me and you
can take to the streets to other "Average Janes" and REALLY help
them build their own Economy right from their kitchen table laptops?

The "Average Joe" Bailout...

Who wouldn't want to look at that as a business, and who wouldn't
want to buy that product?

Well, I say that nobody in their right mind would be foolish enough
NOT to look at an opportunity, or buy a product since it is

What if the product was yours free to use? Well, it is:

Monday, March 1, 2010

How do you know what to focus on first?

Focus on what will create the most results that most closely matches your core business purpose.

Suppose your main purpose is to build a large e-mail list and then market to it. What would give you the best return on any investment of money and time? Write more articles? Paid search advertising? Test landing pages?

You should probably begin with the combo of writing articles created to drive organic or free search engine traffic to your landing page, and paid search advertising. Offer a free report on your chosen topic at the landing page. Interested people will sign up. The report is delivered the report and using an autoresponder like Aweber, you then e-mail them ongoing information -- and offers -- related to that same topic.

With one day of focused effort, you could get his all setup.

All you have to do is take some of that time you spend surfing the Web or watching television.

We only have 24 hours in a day, but if you change the way you use them, you'll start to see some good results.... Do it now. There's no excuse not to.