Friday, September 25, 2009

Exhausted? How to Get Your Willpower Back...

If a hard day at work leaves you feeling unable to exercise, you can at least rest easy knowing there's a scientific explanation.

Using your willpower for one task depletes willpower for entirely different task, a new study finds. But there are strategies for getting it back, researchers say.

"Cognitive tasks, as well as emotional tasks such as regulating your emotions, can deplete your self-regulatory capacity to exercise," said study leader Kathleen Martin Ginis, associate professor of kinesiologyat McMaster University.

The study used a Stroop test to deplete the self-regulatory capacity of volunteers in the study. The test consists of words associated with colors but printed in a different color. For example, the word "red" is printed in blue ink.) Subjects were asked to say the color on the screen, trying to resist the temptation to blurt out the printed word instead of the color itself.

"After we used this cognitive task to deplete participants' self-regulatory capacity, they didn't exercise as hard as participants who had not performed the task," Martin Ginis said.

The more people "dogged it" after the cognitive task, the more likely they were to skip their exercise sessions over the next 8 weeks. "You only have so much willpower," she said.

A similar conclusion was reached by a 2003 study in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. After completing tasks that required self-control, study subjects had less physical stamina and impulse control and increased difficulty with problem-solving activities. In particular, resisting temptation consumed an important resource that was then less available to help the person persist in the face of failure on subsequent tests.

But you can work on your willpower. "Willpower is like a muscle: it needs to be challenged to build itself," she said.

"There are strategies to help people rejuvenate after their self-regulation is depleted," she said. "Listening to music can help; and we also found that if you make specific plans to exercise - in other words, making a commitment to go for a walk at 7 p.m. every evening - then that had a high rate of success."

By constantly challenging yourself to resist a piece of chocolate cake, or to force yourself to study an extra half-hour each night, then you can actually increase your self-regulatory capacity, the researcher said.

Sleep may also be important. "Most forms of self-regulation failure escalate over the course of the day, becoming more likely and more frequent the longer the person has been deprived of sleep," said Florida State University researcher Roy F. Baumeister, who led the 2003 study.

The new study, detailed Thursday in the journal Psychology and Health, was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

The Plan

Larry G Potter

Monday, September 21, 2009

An Absurd Marketing Tip is Follow up each lead as if... were from your biggest account. It may be.

Where business comes from is a question that earns the answer, “from the least likeliest sources” in every marketplace in almost every industry. Even in defined customer bases—paper mills, hospitals, supermarket chains—where every potential customer is listed in detailed directories or advertises its visibility, business develops from odd angles and sometimes from odd people.

When you get a lead, you must qualify it immediately.

You have no way of knowing what the situation is unless and until you find out. Call at once. Respond quickly. Send the message you care.

If business is in the pile somewhere, how soon you get to it very well could be an indirect buying queue. Do they want the business? is a question that is asked because it indicates how responsive you might be if you get the business.

The problem is that there is never enough time to keep your existing accounts up and running, so a low priority has to be assigned to lead follow-up. “I know what is going on in my territory” is usually said by those who are close to clueless.

Treat each lead as a Christmas present, no matter when it arrives. Unwrap it as soon as you get it. You may be pleasantly surprised. If it is a lump of coal, you can use it to put some heat on the marketing types for sending it to you.

Larry Potter

Monday, September 14, 2009

theTRAFFICplan's Hybrid Offline Online Marketing Secrets

“How To Leverage The WIDE OPEN Offline Marketing Arena and Merge The Best Of Online Marketing Leverage To Have The Absolute BEST of Both Worlds!”

Learning to effectively leverage the offline world and bring it online, where your “system” can help you do a lot of the presenting, explaining, and other “heavy lifting” can be one of the most powerful skill sets you can put to action.


Reach (Scalability)

Here’s the big picture of what you’ll need to pull this off:

1. Laser Targeted List Of BUYERS.

2. Drip Marketing Campaign (5-7 touches to same list)

3. Targeted Message Offering What This List Is Looking For (System. Duplication. Training. Support)

4. Post Cards, or $100 Dollar Drop Cards with Compelling Headlines or “Mini Flyers”

5. Fancy, Invitation Style Envelopes in UNIQUE Colors. First Class Stamps

6. Lead Capture Page MUST Have Matching Offer

7. Autoresponder is the destination so you can take them online into your marketing process and get them in front of your PRIMARY Program asap.

The WHOLE POINT of your offline marketing campaign is to get OPT INS in your autoresponder. Period.

Watch theTRAFFICplan training video on this topic by registering at

Larry G Potter

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Marketing Blunders People Make

Have you ever sent out an "advertisement," and much to your
disappointment, received much less of a response than you
had hoped for?

Perhaps a little crash course in marketing psychology is
in order.

You see, there are several mistakes most people make due
to misunderstanding psychology, which result in their
ads simply not working.

What is "marketing," anyway? Here's a neat way to think
about it...

Marketing is actually programming peoples' brains with
your words!

That might sound a little bit harsh, but here's what I

When you write an advertisement, a web page, an email,
or a sales letter, the real reason you are choosing the
words you're choosing is because you want to influence
your reader's state of mind.

Specifically, most people want to write something that
will put the reader's mind into a state which is "ready
to buy" -- or "ready to sign up."

Now, the key idea here is that what you are trying to
do is use your words to get your readers to think

If your marketing isn't achieving your desired result,
this can literally only mean one thing:
Your words are not causing your readers' minds to be
in the state that you thought they would!
But how could that be?

You wrote out an advertisement so carefully. It even
looks like all those other ones out there.

Doesn't matter. It didn't work.

So, how do you get your readers to think what you want,

Understanding psychology is the key. Because, if you
know how brains work, then you'll really know what to
write to influence them the way you want.

Of course, the field of psychology is huge -- you can
get a Ph.D. in it. But, here are 3 psychological tips
you can use to your advantage.

Be warned: Some of them may seem counterintuitive to
you. But, remember! Maybe you need to try something

After all, the techniques you thought were intuitive
haven't worked as well as you wanted, right?

If they had, then you probably wouldn't have read
this article!

TIP #1: At all costs, avoid looking like an
In this day and age, when people see something that
they know is an advertisement, they immediately
tune it out.

For proof of this, just look at your own behavior.

Would you spend your free time reading ads?

Probably not.

An advertisement is usually classified as something
whose sole purpose is to sell something.

So, the best way to avoid looking like this is to
actually give people some real information, for
free. That's what we do at theTRAFFICplan

This way, what you wrote won't seem like an ad,
because it actually isn't one!

People will read it for your interesting info, and
then when it's time to talk about what you're
selling, they'll really listen, too.

Try it.

Tip 2 next time....

Larry Potter

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's Words That Sell

To sell more, write better. Make the most productive use of words, words that address the needs and wants of your customers.

The right words will overcome a mediocre look-and-feel. But use the wrong words, and even the most professional-looking site will be instantly destroyed.

Pretty serious stuff, especially when so many people think..

Larry G Potter

Free Web 3.0 training each Wed evening...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

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