Saturday, May 15, 2010

3 Things To Avoid With Online Affiliate Marketing

#1 Avoid Spammy Mediums Like the Plague They Are

As an affiliate marketer, your reputation is very important. Never develop a reputation as someone who is a spammer or a really desperate individual, otherwise people aren't going to follow your advice. Let's say you recommend a product to people – either through a free ebook, your list, or anything like that – and they perceive you as somewhat of a desperate person who spams, more than likely, they will not pay attention to what you say.

Why would anybody take your advice on purchasing some product like an ebook, if you get your traffic through spam? Clearly you haven't been successful with what you've read in the book, so why should they heed your advice?

With that said, here's a list of some important sources to FORGET:

1. FFAs or "free for alls." FFAs are just forums or email lists that permit needy people to throw garbage at each other's wall to see if any of it sticks. Do we really want to accept 100 messages a day from other online affiliate marketers? Will you buy any of their products? Me thinks not!

And guess what? They don't want to buy your stuff either. They all want to sell items. The best advice I can give you is to avoid these email lists and forums. The only people using them are spammers who are in dire straights to sell you something. Do you think actual buyers want to wade into these trash heaps (FFAs) in order to buy something when they can just do a Google search?

2. Safelists. They are fine if you enjoy getting hit with spammy garbage everyday. They are just a list of those who agreed to join a list, so they could blast out their offers. All those on the list want to send out their offers, but they don't want to really get offers.

As an affiliate markter, you mindset must be to find places where people want to purchase stuff – not where they want to sell products. What good is a marketplace if they are all sellers? It is pretty useless – especially considering that all of them have failed virtually every other place they have tried.

Not only are these a waste of time, but they could damage your credibility. Don't do it. Keep away from spammy lists of all types.

#2 Adopt the “Successful Affiliate's Mindset”

Most people who become successful in all areas of life tend to mention mindset the most. For the most part, this is the vital bit of information that people who haven't yet experienced any success want to hear about the least. They want meat and potatoes information, just the facts and exact procedures, sir. They don't want this mindset stuff that appears more self-glorifying than helpful.

They don't realize that this information is very important. If you wish to make a lot of money as someone who is self-employed, you most definitely cannot do so without first taking full responsibility for your success.

Why? Because no other individual is responsible for your success (or lack of) other than you. That's right: the person you bought that last ebook from is not responsible for your success or failure. If you return to them after 30 days and say “Hey, you! This doesn't work, I'm not a millionaire yet, as you said I would...” he'll gladly refund your money and be on his way. What they won't do is make you money. That part rests entirely with you.

Now, you ask "how can I do it?" You must develope the right mindset – by realizing that no matter what occurs, you are 100% responsible. You no longer have a boss watching you. You can't say “I tried really hard; therefore, I still should get paid.” Nope, it doesn't work that way, you only receive pay as an affiliate marketer after you have made sales.

You MUST adopt that mindset and avoid self-pity and the temptation to blame other people for your failure, no matter how appealing that is.

#3 Create Your Own Website (one good site is Yola, and it only takes minutes)

The majority of online affiliate marketers begin by referring all of their PAYING clients to affiliate links, instead of their own site. This might assist in short term commissions, but could reduce future profit opportunities.

If you have someone who has enough money burning a hole in their pocket to buy, then try to get them on one of your email lists. Send him to YOUR own website; and get him to optin for a course you've created or some other no cost product. Only once he's on your email list should you begin marketing affiliate products to them.

If you don't yet have a list, you can create one with the tool at the following URL: You can sign up for their trial.

When you send BUYING customers to your affiliate link, that product owner benefits more than you do. If you send them to a website that is yours, you will not only get the sale from that one interaction, but you also get the chance to make future offers to them. Most product owners will tell you that, but I want YOU to gain the most out of

You now know the 3 most VITAL things to avoid online affiliate marketing. Follow them and you will do well. Ignore them and they will kill every opportunity you encounter.

Larry G Potter

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